
The Early Bird Gets the Worm

January 28, 2014

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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The early bird gets the worm, tis true…or in this case, the BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR. That’s right. Because Spring gets so crazy in these parts, I’m offering a special for those booking sessions in February, before the inundation of the masses (or I become all booked up and you can’t secure your spot). February tends to be a little slower, as everyone often rushes to book senior photos and Spring photos in a semi-rushed fashion in March and April. And if you’re worried about the cold, don’t be! Firstly, because I’ve had seniors and families braving it throughout December and January like the most beautiful little troopers. Secondly, because March and April are already booking up rather quickly. Thirdly, because it’s Louisiana. (: Or Alabama, or Florida–I don’t discriminate! In fact, I’ll likely be along the Gulf Coast of Alabama and/or West Florida in mid-February, so if you’re in South Alabama all the way to Pensacola, you’re included in this too.

So, how’s it work? You just book your session for February, that’s it! No worries about their not being spring blooms or warmer weather–it doesn’t effect the outcome of the photographs in the least bit. In fact, I’ve had some of my most favorite, most beautiful featured sessions take place on rather frigid days.

So, here it is people…

February Promo

I hope to hear from you, before the masses. And now, I’ll go weather this supposed Southern winter storm. Crossing my fingers that the power doesn’t go out, so that I can share with you more of Christine and Taylor’s breathtakingly classy day. Because every blog post is better with a picture, here’s a peek…


OH, AND IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN WEDDING SPECIALS, email me at kali(at) for a specific wedding special that is also going on through Valentine’s Day. Happy Tuesday, my friends!


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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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