
Lauren + Ryan – Part I

February 20, 2014

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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When I had the vision for starting my business several years ago, sessions just like this are exactly what I had in mind. From the beginning, this was the vision, the comfortability, and the authentic emotion I wanted to capture for clients. Emotion, atmosphere, styling that could so very meticulously represent who they are and how they are. After a night of wedding timeline planning, good conversation, and lots of laughs over several bottles of wine and some cheese at my house a few weeks ago, I realized that vision that I had for understanding my clients, getting to know them as friends, and authentically being able to capture their aura was finally panning out in the way I’d always imagined.

Lauren has the absolute most adorably awkward personality I’ve ever met in my life. Think Zooey Deschanel, but even better. I know, is that even possible? I’m learning that I’m forming a bad/good (I don’t know) habit of finding comparisons to celebrities with my clients. Sorry? Should I be sorry, I don’t know? I personally always find them flattering comparisons, so I guess I’ll keep at it.

When it comes to grooms, I shouldn’t do this, but I always tend to go into meeting them with the expectation that I won’t get a whole lot of open personality from them. This, however, always leaves me quite elated when they are outgoing and interested in some aspect of the wedding-which ends up being the case more times than not. In Ryan’s case, not only did we have tons of fabulous conversation, both over wine when he came with Lauren for planning, and also during the session. I also noticed particularly during both times I spent with them, of how his face showed pure contentment every time he watched Lauren giddy over something she was discussing–about the wedding or life. He seemed so content by watching her just simply be happy. I told you, there’s something SO powerful about a smiling woman




When Lauren and I were discussing the colors and planning for her session, she mentioned to me that she always drinks wine out of coffee cups–mismatched, please. So, she and Ryan sipped their wine and sang their songs, and had a sweet little time.IMG_0333IMG_0291IMG_0331IMG_0298Hackett-3

Fair skin is SO so very breathtaking, ladies! Milky, fair skin is the most beautiful thing on camera. In fact, just a little tidbit of info for you: tanning bed tans AND spray tans actually cause an orangy, MAROON (yes, maroon) skin tint on camera that I can not fully perfect. There’s only so much a photographer can do to make a “fake” skin tone look natural. So, just a word to the wise when you’re prepping to ever be photographed for a big event. I know it seems like the “safe” and comfortable way to go, but it’s actually the complete opposite.

Anyhow, I love love love Lauren’s pale skin and hint of rosey on her cheeks. I think it speaks for itself…IMG_0376Hackett-4IMG_0385 Hackett-5 Hackett-6 IMG_0426

Lauren and Ryan, I couldn’t be more elated and grateful at your choosing me to document the start of your married life together. You two are beautiful from the inside out, and have inspired me as both a new friend and photographer. I cannot wait for April.

You know something good is coming when there’s a Part One…undoubtedly meaning there must be even more to follow. Well, there is. (: Stay tuned for Part II of Lauren and Ryan’s engagement sesh next week! Have the happiest weekend my friends! Preston has convinced me into a comic convention this weekend, which means I’ll be dressed as Chewie, along with the rest of our accompanied crew who will also be various Star Wars characters. I’m kind of excited to see everyone dressed up in very intricately planned costumes. I’ll take pictures so you can be amused as I am…







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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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