
Messy Sheets and Newborn Cheeks | Keane: Hammond Newborn Photographer

November 17, 2016

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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“It’s all messy–the hair, the bed, the heart, life…”
Shiloh posted this quote along with a recently taken photo of her and her little babe, and oh my heart, I couldn’t shout it from the rooftops more. The more I adult, the more I learn to love the ooey gooey imperfect mess of love and life. I have adored watching her adapt to motherhood in all of its perfectly imperfect facets and learning curves–and swooning over every hiccup and drool of the little life in her hands along the way.

I’m not sure why, perhaps because Shiloh and I are alike in so many ways, but something felt different in me as I watched her go through pregnancy and the sweet love she has for her little bear. Shi, you kick ass at a lot of things, but watching you become a momma might just be the most natural thing I’ve ever seen you do.

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

You may recognize her name or face as well from my recently styled holiday sessions. Shiloh is immensely talented with an eye for styling. In fact, stay-tuned for updates in the future, as she and I are trying to figure out how to offer more of her styling and consulting within the realm of the photography experience I offer my clients.

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

We went for much more casual feel for this newborn session. I’ve wanted to do an “at home” shoot like this for a while now, but sometimes changing the way you offer a style of art for clients can be a little scary. So many fears run through your head like, “Will they like the concept? What if they hate it because it’s not like the other newborn sessions I’ve shown? What if they don’t like that every hair isn’t in place?”

Truth be told, I enjoy THIS type of photography far more than the kind where every hair and thread of clothing is perfectly placed. Organic emotion and an accurate portrayal of a particular stage in life is what fills my soul—it’s truly the type of work that makes me proud to offer as heirlooms for my clients.

Shiloh was stressed, as most of my new mommas are, that she didn’t feel as “put together” as she normally would feel for a shoot.  Really though, there is so much irrevocable beauty and glow in a new mom that I don’t think she could have done anything differently. Can I get an “Amen?!”

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

This is Luna, Aster’s much more shy, cat-like big sister. She was not quite as thrilled to be a part of this family party on camera. I think she was just playing modest…

Keane, however, had no problems hamming it up with his inherited perfect hair from his momma and height from daddy.

Keane Latham Newborn

Keane Latham Newborn

Shiloh and Daniel, here’s to your sweet, happy little family of three…and your perfect hair. Definitely, your perfect hair.




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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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