

July 11, 2013

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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I’m not quite sure if I’ve ever mentioned to you just how flipping much I love seniors. Oh wait, I think I have. The style, poise, grace, personality, make-up tips (the list goes on and on…) that they bring to the table amazes me more and more each year. Seriously, I tell my seniors we should just cut a deal where they buy me one of all of their outfits and we’ll call it a day! Kidding…but seriously…

Anyhow, I will now be blogging VERY regularly and keeping you guys looped in on all of the beautiful sessions that happen in these parts and have been flying under the radar. Can I get a gospel singing, Sunday-lovin’ “AMEN” here? I know my younger sister Shelli, and biggest blog critic, is singing her hallelujahs that I’ve blogged twice in a week. Well, fear not my friends! I’m working on a release of a GIANT secret I’ve kept from you guys for the past few months that will be released soon and clue you in on the big ‘ol changes happening around here! Super duper exciting changes at that. But enough about that for now, we have more important matters to discuss in this post: SENIORS!

It’s all about my seniors today. First off, here are just a few of the many favorites I have of my past seniors. In fact, I had way too many favorites to choose from, so you can certainly expect a “to be continued…” with more peeks of my seniors past.

Every time I look at the beauty, inside and out, in each one of these girls and all of my seniors, I’m reminded of just how grateful I am to be allowed to document. I think about the beauty her mother sees in her now grown up not-so-baby girl, ready to face new education, life, and opportunity. I think about all of the things her mother and father dreamed she’d become as they adored her as an infant, the worry they had as she went on her first date, and the excitement and fear they hold for the amazing future in which she’s about to partake. I think about what each one of them will accomplish and how their photos will remind them always of the beauty and innocence they radiated as they prepared to journey out into the adult world. This is why I love my seniors.

In honor of how much I love my seniors and how warmly I’d like to welcome my 2014 seniors, it’s time to share a little promo! Because everyone loves free stuff, right?

To my undoubtedly beautiful, charismatic group of 2014 Seniors: Welcome! I’m so excited to meet you, to learn about your style and your talents, and help create a beautiful collection of curated memories — memories that are organic and true to who you are as a young adult. So, if you’d like to take advantage of this superb offer that’s valued at $198 normally, or even if you’d just like to chat and find out a little more about being a 2014 Kali Norton Senior, I’d love to hear from you!

To chat a little more or proceed with booking during this FAB offer, email me at and we can chat! I cannot wait to get to know you.

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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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