
These are the Good Days | Hammond Farmer’s Market Lifestyle Session: Hammond Family Photographer

September 25, 2017

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things – they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
– Steve Jobs

I’ve quoted this wildly popular quote from Steve Jobs before on my blog, and undoubtedly, this isn’t the first time you’ve read it. Nonetheless, since the first time I came across it many years ago, it’s always stood out as a beautiful mantra to me. If you asked my mother, she’d tell you that from the time I could speak I was always set on doing things in my own imaginative way. From clothing shopping to the way I wished my room decor to be, even before those treacherous pre-teen years, I had a vision for certain things and didn’t let the opinions of others sway me from attacking my oftentimes out-of-the-box visions. When I’ve come across other imaginative, creative, independent-thinking souls throughout life, I always gravitate to them, so intrigued by their wildly beautiful minds. Shiloh is one of these people.

I’m sure you remember her from this session earlier this year, but if you missed that one, it’s hands-down one of my favorites. As always, Shiloh brought her creative A-game when it came to the vision she wanted us to execute for Keane’s one-year photos.

Shiloh’s husband Daniel is a baseball coach for the university here, so he’s often times working Saturday mornings during baseball season and traveling for recruiting. Shiloh and Keane have made Saturday morning traditions visiting the Farmer’s Market in our cozy little town, so we thought it to be a perfect way to start out our morning session! My Saturday mornings off are also often spent going to yoga, followed by a trip to the Farmer’s Market as well, so it was quite a treat!

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane doesn’t meet a stranger. Those two tiny front teeth, baby blues, and big smiles scored him all of the yummy samples.

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

After the Farmer’s Market, we strolled down the street with breakfast in-hand for a little more fun. Keane was batting those crystal blue eyes and giving me the biggest smiles, so I was soaking in every bit of it.

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

I mentioned Keane is a social butterfly. When he saw his friend and local business owner, Mr. Benny, passing in his new car with the windows rolled down, he took it upon himself to send some friendly waves. This boy…

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

This town may be small, but it has some hidden gems that leave my little artistic heart thumping. Shiloh has begged me to execute some sort of laundromat shoot with her for years, so when my sweet, talented photographer friend Catherine came across this funky one, we had to pop in.

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Don’t worry, Keane didn’t stop making sweet eyes and giggles to entertain everyone when they moved their clothes over to the tumble cycle.

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Keane 1yr

Interested in an organic, fun lifestyle portrait session of you and your loved ones? Contact me at kali@kalinorton.com and let’s make some memories!

PSA: I will be in the Pensacola/Fairhope area and offering a limited number of sessions on the following dates…




If you or someone you know is interested in natural, organic family, maternity, newborn, motherhood, engagement, etc photography, please share with them!



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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

more about US

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